Before graduating, I was using this blog to keep my friends and family in Brazil informed about my life in the US. Now, I will try to use it to share some news about my life back in Brazil, so that I can keep in touch with the friends I made at school.
But, in order to do that, some changes are necessary. For instance, I will need to write in English, since my new friends are from all around the world, and English was our common language at school. Also, I'll have to ask Benoit to help me proofread as I'm sure I've already forgotten most of what I learned in the US. So please, don't be upset if you find some mistakes here (blame it on the Frenchman ;) ).
It has already been 1.5 month since I came back to Brazil and I have to admit that I am still a little lost... I haven't unpacked all my suitcases yet (still 1 to go). However, most of my stuff is still on its way to Sao Paulo, in a container on a ship somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.
I started working on the 4th of July (yes, you read that right!), and I've been putting 11 hours/day on average. Although it can get tedious, I am learning a lot and meeting tons of new people: I love it! I even meet Tuckies: Fred, a Brazilian T'12, is a summer consultant working on a project for the company I work for. Isn't that a huge coincidence?
Benoit is actively recruiting in Europe. He has had quite a few interviews, so... keep your fingers crossed! The bad news is that we will have to live some time away from each other. It's tough, I know. So, for now, we try to talk and see each other as much as we can using all types of media: email, phone, skype, messenger, facetime, facebook, google+, twitter, etc.
I also miss our TGIT and SACH social events with the good food, drinks, games and, more importantly, fun with friends. To try to compensate, one of my very last shopping moment in US was to buy a book with tons of French recipes: I've already tried some of the recipes, and had friends over to enjoy the dishes I prepared, while sipping some nice wine and trying to catch up. I'll always think about TGIT nights. What a great life we had!